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Consultation activities in the pound-pes Al Maunah

Deliberation (syawir) is a forum to discuss an issue which is done by taking the opinion of some people, who in the end the conclusion of the solution to the problem being discussed. In Al Maunah own, deliberation activity, usually held every night at 9:00 until 11. 30 or after evening activities madrassa, or religious teacher often carried out because the Koran or the teacher was unable to attend to give either the subject matter as the Koran nahwu (lunch) or as madrasah night. This is a routine activity for all students must al Maunah from class to class awamil alfiyah as the Koran and prayer in congregation. and until now, deliberative activity is still going well and should be expected.

In its implementation, regular consultation events followed 10 to 50 students, depending on the number of students in a classroom learning. Consultation activities are always led by someone who called ro'is. Ro'is is tasked to provide material that will be discussed and set nets, deliberative events from beginning to end. While the others (the audience) are required to give an opinion or ask for a problem to ro'is, which of course still with respect to issues being discussed. Thus, the role vital and complex ro'is.Therefore, ro'is always selected from people who are a little more understanding of the material that will be discussed. However, the good is ro'is ro'is that can bring consensus with fresh, effective, and less rigid.

Typically, the material discussed is nahwu -shorof and fiqh . In this case, the material nahwu shorofis emphasized, because in this material students are expected to understand the Arabic text properly especially to understand the quran and hadith . in addition, students are also trained to prepare (at tarkiib) and stringing words in the context of a perfect Arabic (ifadah tammah). Emphasis nahwu science as science is prioritized in the pound-pesal Maunah is reflected in the naming of the lowest grade level to the tertunggi. Namely awamil  ( tafrikhatul Wildfire ), al jurumiyah , imrithy and alfiyyah ibn Malik , who would name the name was taken from the name of the book name book nahwu well-known indeed studied intensively.

 material is often in other musyawarahkan fiqh . Book of the yellow book that contains the material science of fiqh that is used is the book kasshifa'us sajaa work sheikh albantani Nawawi (syarkh saafinatun najaa) sulaamun book najaa work sheikh nur muhammad 'ali, the book works at taqriib syuja ash' and the book works minhajul qowiim hajr ibn al haitami . Book of the book is generally still considered to be easy to arrange training and coherent sentences and understand the Arabic text correctly. In other words, in addition to understanding the law of sharia law, to discuss fiqh in the discussion also serves to direct practice theory theory shorof nahwu has been learned.

In addition to the materials mentioned above, there are still a lot of material in the material also musyawarahkan in pound-pes Al Maunah as follows:

Adab material, used books are works of Hasan al taiisirul kholaq Marzuki (learned in the classroom awamil and al jurumiyah )

Material Hadith , the book being studied is the book riyadhus sholikhin work Zakariya yahya shaikh Muhyiddin ibn abi Syarifuddin annawawi or Imam Nawawi (learned in the classroom alfiyah) adaabun book nabawi work muhammad abdul 'aziz al khoulii (learned in the classroom al jurumiyyah and amrithy ) and the book arbaa 'Nawawi's work in Imam Nawawi (learned in the classroom aljurumiyah and imrithy )

Material Ushul jurisprudence , used books are works of sheikhs syarofuddin isyaraaht lathoo'iful yahya al imrithy (learned in class alfiyyah )

Material Tauhid , the book used is ordinary work of Ahmad Marzuki aqidatul (learned in the classroom awamil) khoridatul book muhammad Sidiq bahiyah work (learned in the classroom al jurumiyah) as well as the book lay kifaayatul sheikh ibrahim bin bajuurii work (learned in the classroom imrithy )

Material Tajweed , the book is a book that is in use tukhfatul RA works muthohir ibn Ahmad al abdurrokhman Marzuki (awamil class studied) and the book jazaariyah (learned in the classroom al jurumiyah ). And

Material Balaghoh , the book is a book that used embryo maknuun (learned in the classroom al fiyyah ).

In the discussion, all participants stressed to always give their opinions and critical of vocal problems and always put pemikiranya. This is very useful to train yourself to always be responsive students facing problems in the community, find the substance of the issue was critical and relevant ideas put forward intelligent, which is based on the principles of Islamic religious principles.

Community expectations of the graduate schools will certainly be a burden for alumnie pesantren. Therefore, always oriented to train students to boarding schools may be the last way that made ​​the boarding school for clerical cadre of the faqih and flexible. Thus, deliberative activity is expected to bring students a critical, insightful religious and welfare-oriented community. Hopefully .... amiien. 


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